
How to Deal with Work Stress like a Pro


Feeling constant pressure at work and trying to balance your private and professional life is one of the biggest challenges of a modern man. Even though we’re well into the new century, the discrimination and prejudice we face every single day make us really tired, both mentally and physically. When left unresolved, chronic work stress can cause levels of cortisol to spike, which can increase the likelihood of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, and a myriad of other dangerous and unwanted health problems. So, if you’re feeling worn out at the end of the day and unwilling to do anything else other than hit the sack, don’t worry – you’re not the only one. In order to prevent stress from ruining your private life, you need to find a way to deal with it. Here are a few methods you could explore if you want to leave your work stress at work and focus on your inner self.


Identify what causes your stress

This is the most important aspect of any stress-related process: identifying stress factors that trigger negative emotions and make you unstable. Lots of people consider stress to be a part of the job and something that’s bound to happen, no matter how hard they try to ignore it. So, if you can’t avoid it, find a way to deal with it properly – if you have a problem with your colleagues, talk to them; if a boss treats you unfairly, report them; if you work too hard, try to slow down a bit; and if you hate your job, get a new one! You have to react as soon as something bad happens instead of waiting and letting stress accumulate inside you.


Find your inner peace

Dealing with sexual discrimination is among the biggest challenges you could meet at a workplace. While not respecting boundaries and interfering with one’s personal life isn’t something you’d do yourself, that doesn’t mean your colleagues have a problem manifesting such behavior. You need to be sure who you are and able to separate your personal life and your professional appearance. Moreover, you shouldn’t hide your sexual preferences and try to pretend you’re straight just to keep a job. Being gay doesn’t make you a better or worse employee, and your performance is all that matters. Finally, keep in mind that openly gay people often have stronger careers because they’re true to themselves and know that their work has nothing to do with their sexual orientation.


Know your rights

If you know what you can and can’t do in a fight against discrimination, you’ll be better prepared to address improper behavior. Get informed, know your rights and be sure to know how far you can go defending yourself. Naturally, the law is on your side, regulating the situation, which is always helpful. This way, gay people can focus on their jobs and effectively lower stress. By lowering the chances for discrimination, the law has made it easier for gay men to deal with abuse and provocation on a daily basis.


Try to cope

If you can’t ignore work-related stress, at least learn how to react adequately. Luckily, there are lots of coping strategies, from meditating and jogging to sleeping and changing your diet. You can incorporate natural herbs called adaptogens such as Ashwagandha or Brahmi into your daily diet, which have been studied to help the body adapt to stressful situations.

If you are ever feeling too overwhelmed, out of control, or anxious to the point at which you need someone to talk to, help is always available to you. Convenient online counseling services such as BetterHelp.com offer a super easy way to make online appointments from accredited mental health professionals, all from the comfort of your own home.


The result

Once you find out what causes your stress and address these issues, you’ll be able to find the right answer and nib stress at work in the bud. Ultimately, you’ll defend yourself against harassment and prejudice due to your sexual orientation, becoming truly happy and stress-free.

peter minkoff

Peter Minkoff

Freelance Writer

Peter is a gay lifestyle writer for TheGayUk magazine from Brisbane, Australia! He worked as a freelance writer for local newspapers in before blogging. Follow Peter on Twitter for more tips.